

The Desire that drowned me

I desperate you
Like fish live in water, human breath in air
the requirement is endless

Distance between our occupation drowns my mind and yet dried my soul
But as I glared through windows of Greyhound
You set straight with milk-tea on hand and 7 televisions on
And yet no dew had condensed on my lash
I realized that
we have never had any conversation

But I desperate for your glance,
I walked round and round everyday outside Greyhound waiting
If I could honorary walk in front of you
I want to witness myself in your greenish grey eyes,
Even just one second
Even as the thousands of millions faces reflected in those dazzling eyes
I'd die for a go

But I desperate for your expression,
Anything but the arrogant smile and ignorance
For that
I felt lowered into the common class you described as goldfishes
Brainless, logic-less and reasonless
You stood upon morals in way higher stairs
I'd like to be first that hold your hand

I am unique, Sherlinton
As you're about to know
I followed you footsteps,
stepped all bricks you walked beside Rhine River
touched all handles you hold for climbing on top of Eiffel Tower
Sat on the exactly spot of the Gondola you toured Venice
and breathed the same air with you in London
The soul that formulated for you
Only You
